Slide 1
Red Cochin Bantum - straightrun
Silkie - not color specific- straightrun ~ mini pic
Slide 2
Red Pyle Old English Game Bantum (may 2024) - straightrun
Novogen Brown Egg Layer - Pullets- typically lay 395 eggs in 1st 72 weeks of life ~ mini pic
Slide 3
Freedom Ranger - heritage breed good for both meat & eggs -GMO Free is straightrun - pullets available not GMO free
Naked Neck - not color specific- pullets - very hearty breed for all weather/temps ~ mini pic
Not Shown
Mixed backyard Flock - straightrun
Polish- - not color specific- straightrun
New Hampshire Red - pullets (also known to be a good meat and egg bird)
Will have loaded on website by end of week. (range from $6ea to $9.75ea ~ mixed backyard flock are $2.50ea)
You can msg us to order also
payment options- cash, check, or cashapp
anything that says pullets is 97% of being female.
straightrun =not sexed
I will take back roosters if you end up with roosters.
14week old NH Reds, and Naked Necks also available to preorder (early June pickup)
We do not ship birds, must meet to pickup, 4 chick minimum
You can email or go into shop on website
Orders due by Feb 8th